We believe in the power of communities telling their own stories, and building their own solutions together.

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About The Steinman Institute  

Our community isn’t broken, even if it might feel like it.

Social media and big tech’s promise to better connect us has instead left us isolated, polarized, and with less and less ways to connect locally.

When communities can’t find common understanding, they can’t solve pressing problems. And when people aren’t informed about what’s going on in their area, they become disengaged, lonely, and lose faith in both their community, as well as their fellow community members.

At The Steinman Institute, we believe that communities can thrive if we are able to collectively share ideas, bridge difference, and take action.

Powered by community feedback and a five year gift from The Steinman Foundation, The Steinman Institute is working to seed opportunities for communities to better connect and learn about their neighbors, inspire new ways of creating shared understanding, and building innovative tools for community members to take action together on the things they care about.


We invest in local organizations working to build a more engaged and informed community.


We are building experiences that can depolarize, create empathy, and foster community connection.


We are developing new tools to help people not only learn about their community, but take action.

Our tools for co-creating with our community:

The Steinman Institute is focusing its efforts first in the community LNP has called home for nearly 230 years – Lancaster County, as well as the surrounding counties.

Lancaster will be a laboratory for how robust local media plus education and engagement can result in a sustainable news models and improved civic engagement. It will be recording research, innovations and results to inform expansion within Central Pennsylvania and beyond. 

Historic investments in local media innovation

The Steinman Institute has granted millions to Pennon, parent company of WITF and LNP | LancasterOnline to support new reporter beats, technology overhauls, launching a new Youth Newsroom, and additional youth programming focused on media literacy.

Creating open-source tools for information seeking

The Steinman Institute is conducting the region’s first information ecosystem map to learn about the ways our community is getting its news and information to invest in what’s working, and co-create new tools to fill gaps.

Promoting the value of local news

In partnership with Press Forward, The Steinman Institute is working to launch a national awareness campaign focused on the importance of local news and information, and the costs of losing reliable, locally-owned news sources.

A girl holds a prop in front of a green screen as a camera takes her picture

Bridging difference and driving action

Powered by conversation and connection, The Steinman Institute is investing in community engagement that can cut through divisions to focus on local issues, and commonality.

Through our work in Deliberative Democracy/Forums, we are creating connections across differences and working on tools to take action.

Bob Krasne (Chair)
Chair & CEO, Steinman Communications; Co-Chair, Steinman Foundation
Ron Hetrick headshot
Journalist David Greene
Jim Hoehn
Aron Pilhofer, Chief Product Officer at Star Tribune Media Company in Minneapolis, MN
Shane Zimmerman President, Steinman Communications; President, Steinman Foundation

Jess King Headshot

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